Mission: JASS hopes to help activists as they engage local, national and global challenges by honing the thinking and skills to identify and implement effective solutions. JASS aims to bring into dialogue ancient, traditional wisdom and cutting-edge interdisciplinary knowledge; political and spiritual activism; self and collective; study and action; Jewish and non-Jewish identities.
JASS defines activism in the widest sense and are particularly interested in identifying and fostering ideas that do not merely patch up existing holes but change systems in order to prevent the problems that plague humankind and the world in the first place.
JASS 2018 is open for applications! docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeI8UaIgmSXnxOhetxmtWgVIFex_QdkByV69i88—DNZFjYyw/viewform
Dates: July 30 — August 19
Source: www.jassberlin.org