Shabbat Dinner with the IJC


10 мая в 19:40 International Jewish Community of Moscow приглашает на шаббат.

Shabbat followed by Kidush, Dinner, Farbrengen and some Lechaim! Get together with old friends and meet new ones.

Join IJC and other English Speakers as we get together with fellow Expats living in Moscow. An evening where we enjoy the fact we can celebrate Shabbat as a Community, the fact that we are «Wandering Jews,» and the fact that we can get together and chat in English.

Rabbi Yaakov & Rivky Klein

The Suggested cost for Shabbat Dinner is 1800p.
(IJC members discount available)
Looking forward


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Адрес: Калошин переулок, 12 строение 1, Москва, Россия
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Shabbat Dinner with the IJC

Калошин переулок, 12 строение 1, Москва, Россия